Writers can't always know everything all the time.  When working on a novel for instance.  So far, they know the main characters' attributes, it's best friend-family-pet-pet peeves.  Then, they start trying to find a way for this character to get from point A) the present, to point B) the predestined future.  A day goes by with out any ideas and they are O.K., because this is just a little bump in the road.  It's nothing they haven't been through before.  

  Three days go by and they start to scratch their heads and that tiny seed of fear forms in their gut.  After a week they are in a full blown panic.  "Oh, my God," they think.  "What am I going to do?  I've got writer's block...  

   Let's stop right there. 
  Writer's Block does not exist!
  Writer's Block does not exist and since using all caps is considered 'textly rude', the only way I can say this any louder is to get a bull horn out and start blasting it.  Since I don't have one of those and even if I did you wouldn't be able to hear me, I'll just repeat this a third time.  Writer's Block does not exist.  Have I gotten my point across yet, lovely's?  There is no such block that decides to randomly show up and sit on our mental creative tube, so just put those two ugly words out of your mind.
  They're toxic and they will consume every shred of your self confidence and sanity.  Writer's can't know everything all the time.  We can't possibly know how an entire novel is going to play out.  Most of us creative types are a wee bit on the sensitive side and even if we weren't creative types we would still need to be kind to ourselves.  If you beat yourself up every time you fail to reach a goal, then you may as well just stop creating at all.  You'd be better off.  Otherwise you may end up in a the loony-bin by the time your thirty.

  According to the Bible, God created the world in seven days and we are made in his image.  Isn't it only logical that we should be the embodiment of creativity?  We need to embrace our gifts and respect the times that creativity just flows out of us and teach ourselves not to panic when we seem tapped out of creative juices.  

  We, as creators need to create and this world needs you to feel it with your artsy babies.  

  Why?  Some of you are probably asking.  

  Because, in each one of your projects is the very essence of 'You'.  Your light, your love and tender care.  It has come from the very depths of your soul and it's magical.  It has the ability to touch someones heart or even change their life.  If you don't create you miss out on all of those opportunities.

  If something is truly magical it can stir the coldest of hearts and cause others to weep.  For those lost souls out there, we are the light shining in the darkness.  I pray that you will hear me, Today.  That you will not waste another minute of your life in a stalled out setting.

  Let your light shine, lovely's.

  Best wishes on your projects &:

  *  P.S., if you ever get stuck on something just take your time.  Look at it as a blessing in disguise.  You get to go out in search of inspiration and this should in itself be an enjoyable experience.  Was it not where you began that sparked that little creative fire inside of you.  Maybe, it was the way the wind blew through the limbs of the trees or when you witnessed a gang of street dancers perform.  This is a new beginning to the next step of your creative life and you may find new creative souls to connect with or at least begin to follow, because you love their work.  Everything happens for a reason.

  Enjoy the journey, sweet hearts. ;)

  *  P.P.S:  Send me some of your artsy babies.  Join my creative group to post things, send them to my email and/or send me links so that I can view your work online.  Also, if you would like for me to read your blog posts or anything else let me know.  

                                                                          Praying for many great things in your life,
                                                                                                                       Ariadne Morag

5/12/2013 08:55:49 pm

I'm in the middle of writing my third book and I'm at the point where even I don't know what's going to happen next. So I just keep writing and let the plot unfold naturally.

5/13/2013 08:15:18 am

That is always fun. That's how I let most things, if not all things be written. It's awesome because as writers we never truly get to see our work the way readers do, so our fun comes in the writing process as it reveals itself to us.

5/13/2013 07:02:54 pm

I love that statement. While I try to plan out my novels, sometimes I don't know what is supposed to happen next. However, without fail I connect with something from earlier in my story and I'm off again.

5/14/2013 02:30:15 am

That's good that you trust yourself and the creative process enough not to panic. I wish you luck on future projects. I hope that you enjoy future posts. Join me on facebook https://www.facebook.com/aMoragAtized?ref=tn_tnmn

5/13/2013 03:42:30 pm

You, my dear, are a sweet heart! You're like a real, live smiley face. Keep shining! Oh, and I agree. Writer's block is a self destructive label. :-)

5/14/2013 02:36:13 am

*gasp! I've never been compared to a smiley face before, but I love that analogy. Thank you for the compliment. I strive towards optimism. I am so happy that you enjoyed my post. Each post is written for other people in hopes that it will touch their lives. I so hope it did yours. Please join me on Facebook and Twitter. Go to my Contact Me page.

5/20/2013 12:01:18 pm

Great post, Ariadne! You and I think alike. I agreed with every word you said. My writing method is exactly the way you describe, once I have my characters figured out of course! Then, I let 'er rip. I'll tell you one thing about the pantser method that I've found, and that is, that if I doubt that first sentence, those first vital words, even for a second, then it's gone. And the flow with it. But, if I grab the first words that come to me and run with them, then the magic happens.

I also liked your reference to the way god made the world in 7 days and of course on the 7th day, he rested. Sometimes, we creatives tend to think we have to work all the time. A little play along the way loosens us up and gets the juices flowing again.

Does your blog have an email subscribe button anywhere? The blogs I subscribe to by RSS feed never come through my email so I don't ever see them.

By the way, hop on over to my website sometime. I just figured out how to put a subscribe button on there last week! www.yvettecarol.com

5/30/2013 07:55:48 am

Yes, I agree! Writer's Block is a self-fulfilling prophesy! I find that getting away from the work and doing something else creative works like a charm.

Courtney Hosny


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