I proudly announce that my new website is up.  I hope you all enjoy it and I will add more blog posts tomorrow.  Love ya's, goodnight.

I I had one word to describe you and your website it would be exuberant! I'm still laughing. And along with loving your name, I love your face.

5/14/2013 04:49:32 am

Oh, thank you. You're so sweet. I'm so happy that you enjoyed it and here I was thinking maybe I added too much color. You just made me so happy. Please add me to Facebook to keep updated on new blog posts and to generally just connect. ;)

5/29/2013 09:39:31 pm

Great writing and writing tips. Here's one of my faves...Now that winter has rolled into spring, I take that morning cup of herbal tea outside with my pad and .7mm HB mechanical pencil, and I sit in the quiet noise of Mother Nature in the woods. Words just seem to flow! Keep up the good work. And please stop by for a visit!
Aloha...have a great,, creative day!


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