Hola Peeps,

  Today, I wanted to introduce you to a beautiful, vibrant, create soul.  Mrs. Leonie Dawson, Goddess and founder of the 
which I am ecstatic about and cannot wait to join.  Wish me luck! 
  Her blog post speaks about her deciding to have her second child and the reason that I'm blogging about this is because her post was very open and she allowed herself to be vulnerable for all to see.  She wanted people, her fan/followers/friends to all understand exactly why she'd let go of her one child philosophy and decided to go forth with the second child.  
  Apparently, her first pregnancy experience was very hard.  She went through so much from health problems to family problems to internally beating herself up for not doing things the way she thought would make everything perfect problems.  On this second go around she has figured out how to make this next experience, not work perfectly, because let's face it-it's not possible (Life is a learning experience), but how to make it work for her and her family.  You can read the post here.  I am so happy that I read it and I hope that it will touch you the way that it did me.  

  I hope that you are all having a wonderful day.  

                                                                                                                          Until next time ;)
                                                                                                                                Ariadne Morag

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5/31/2013 03:00:04 am

It sounds like you have a story to tell - an interesting one. Would love to hear more details. I'm doing a psychological thriller about a young woman evolving, so to speak. It sounds like you are still evolving and moving past what may have been a rough time? Love your post and I look forward to reading more. Love your pen-name, by the way.


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